Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Baths - Obsidian


Pitchfork kind of gets a bad rap, but they still introduce me to albums I probably would have never heard otherwise. Baths' new Obsidian is one such album.

Baths sounds to me like Wild Beasts' Smother mixed with Washed Out's Within and Without. It's electropop that is laden with images of death, suicide, and self-deprecation. So basically, Obsidian is an album that may well have been made after asking a focus group full of Kyles what they wanted to hear.

I do like this album a lot, but I always find myself getting kind of tired of it towards the end. Maybe it's because I want the guy to lighten up a little, but mostly I think it's because the sad-synth thing sounds a little samey after a while.

So, it probably won't make my end of the year list, but I'll definitely be turning to it when I'm feeling especially emo.

Check out my favorite track below. And maybe don't listen at work?

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